Video Tips that will help increase view or watch time and engagement with your posts.

Tip 1 - Video Sound Quality

Poor-quality audio will cause followers and viewers of your video to leave. High Quality audio on your video will give viewers the chance to learn and understand your message easily.

Watch these Two videos for a couple tips on creating Social Videos for both your Personal Brand and your business.

Tip #2:A steady video will reduce distraction and increase view time. Learn how.

Top Social Media Tips!

Your videos can now appear on the Google Search Results page.

Here is a recent interview from Smart-Car Coffee Confidential series.

Click the link to watch and learn a few top social media tips for small

and medium sized businesses:

Social Video grabs attention and increases engagement.
Social Video content creation is in reach of most businesses But many  are Without the expertise to use it effectively or they don't know how to 

post to maximize attention and view time.

 Where are videos most likely to be seen? 

Google Business Profile, Linkedin, Youtube, Instagram, Snapchat or TikTok are all Valid current choices Depending on your target market.

Understanding which of these will be successful to reach the target of your marketing message is key.
Social Video grabs and hold the viewers attention and holds it longer than traditional print or text only posts. 

Its been proven again and again that Story telling through video is retained more effectively than a text with a graphic or photo.

Using social video Effectively helps you create the key micro moments that the search engines are promoting as part of the buying journey.

Yes, you can use easily social video to boost the impact of your

business's online marketing, and increase engagement and recognition

of your brand.

We'll record. Edit, produce and even post it for you! We can determine the optimal time to post using analytical research and your unique knowledge of your business.

Your video clips can even be found and be broadcast on TV!

A recent event was being promoted. The host organization didn't have the

correct duration of video available for the broadcast. The TV news crew

searched online for a video that they could use for their story. A video that

was posted on our YouTube channel was selected and credited on the news.

When your videos are tagged or #hashtagged properly they are more easily


A couple of minutes of production and editing and tagging lead more views!

Here is a link to the YouTube video that was found by the TV Station:

10,000 views of a video? 25,000 post impressions? How is that


Here's how using Twitter:


Creating content efficiently and in a timely manner to capture your event is


key. This past summer, we recorded, edited and posted a social video

that was shared by a government department because it was timely

and high quality. Here is a link to the video:  TWITTER VIDEO





Here are 5 Free tips to improve video post reach:

  •  Add audio, to the video - talk and be yourself.

  •  Be concise - This post had only seven words (before tagging). - Keep the video short - longer videos need to be to grab attention initially to keep viewers watching.

  •  Follow trends - The storm in Ontario was on everyone's mind that day, and most people were at home, many on social media.

  •  Use hashtags for location and trend - The trending tag #ONStorm and localizing tag #HamOnt for Hamilton, Ontario, were used.

  •  Tag Influencers - The Weather Network Canada is always looking for viewer- created content.  (If it is timely, or unusual, they may even broadcast your image or video and credit you the post's creator.) The Weather Network Canada viewed this (as they were tagged) and shared this video post to one of their  "Twitter Moments".  Even with their 1.5 million followers, only a fraction of them will see each post. I'll take a fraction of 1.5 million views whenever I have the opportunity.

  • Pro Tip: Take the time to add closed captioning to the videos to increase engagement and shares further. Most videos on social media are started with audio off.

The Auto Station in Burlington, Ontario has incorporated social video as apart their social media and digital marketing for the last 5 years.

Steve, the owner says - "The increased client engagement and their responses to videos regularly brings new clients into our shop!"

As an example, You Can Create a tip video that succinctly communicates your expertise and increases familiarity with your business even before the client reaches out to you or visits your location!

When should you start?

The best time to start was 2 years ago, the second best time for you to start video is now!


For any questions about how to start recording and producing videos for your own business, contact me for more exclusive tips that will lead increased

comments and engagement on your Video content.

Social Video is essential to Gain Social and digital authority and increase engagement.

Creating your Video content doesn't have to be intimidating.

We'll teach you how to do it, or record, edit and post it for you.

It can be recorded simply with smartphone and by adding a couple of accessories your video's impact will be increased.

With the direction, production, and editing provided, you will soon be on your way to increased results.

Does social video work when its properly Formatted for Business to Business? YES!

Let us show you how it can work for you.